Special thanks to the NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference Wellness Committee for their contributions to this post.

Why is wellness an important topic for pianists today?
It is known that few pianists go through life without encountering an injury or illness, whether directly related to playing or not. Therefore, it is very important that there is an awareness of how we can help prevent injuries and find ways to cope with the unexpected things that can happen.
What is something you wish every pianist knew about wellness?
That we focus on finding ways to find balance in ourselves and our students in this post-pandemic world that incorporates both the physical and psychological aspects of playing. Our sessions will incorporate a mixture of both along with a basic introduction to mindfulness, contemplative and movement techniques that can be used in and out of the studio.
What are top tips you would give a pianist interested in cultivating wellness at the piano?
- Playing the piano is both physically and psychologically demanding. Therefore, the more one knows about this topic, the more one can apply new techniques to their playing and teaching that reduces the risk of injury.
- Producing beautiful sounds requires a balance between the technical and the emotional.
- For lifelong music-making, one needs an awareness of what healthy piano playing consists of.
- One small adjustment in one’s playing to reduce tension can make a world of difference to one’s overall sound.
What is one free resource about wellness that you would recommend?
MTNA’s Essential Learning Skills are in four parts and provide basic information for anyone who would like to learn more about our topic. Everyone has free access, regardless of whether they are a MTNA member.
What makes the Wellness track at NCKP 2023 special? Why should people attend?
Members of our committee are practitioners and pedagogues in this area who have ground-breaking techniques and fresh ideas they have used in their studios. These techniques have been proven to be useful teaching tools.
What are you most excited for at NCKP 2023?
It is an opportunity to connect to colleagues again and learn from their ideas. And, it is a face-to-face conference!

Interested in learning more about wellness for pianists? Attend NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference! View the NCKP 2023 schedules to explore all wellness track sessions: online and in-person. Register before May 1, 2023 for early bird pricing.
- REGISTER: Register before May 1, 2023 to secure the early bird rate!
- HOTEL INFO: Click here for room rates, reservation deadline, and more.
- SCHEDULES: View the NCKP 2023 In-Person Conference and Online Event schedules.
- Visit NCKP2023.com for more info.
- PIANO MAGAZINE: Wellness: Why Can’t We All Just Relax by Misty Austin
- COURSES: A Pianist’s Guide to Teaching Online
- PIANO MAGAZINE: Wellness in Applied Piano: A Two-Way Street by Henning Vauth
- PIANO MAGAZINE: My Journey to Healthy Musicianship: Practical Ideas for Exploration and Self-Reflection in the Piano Studio by Carla Salas Ruiz
- Use our search feature to discover more!