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We would like to thank Marvin Blickenstaff for this article about the benefits of The Piano Conference: NCKP. Want to learn more about The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025? Click here to read about next year’s conference and submit a proposal. Want to hear more from Marvin Blickenstaff? Join our book club beginning September 10, 2024! ...
by Dan Severino The editors are eager to receive your answers to the questions posed in KEYBOARD COMPANION.All letters are subject to editing due to space limitations. The following is in response to the question, What is your favorite use of computers in your studio? (Spring, 1992). Two and a half years ago I did ...
How Do You Use Technology With Intermediate Students by Marguerite Miller One plague of our profession is the DBMML Syndrome (Drop-out Before Minimal Musical Literacy). Piano students who quit lessons before successfully completing the intermediate level are generally doomed to a life of musical illiteracy. With the completion of the intermediate level, students have reached ...
Supporting Sponsorship Support our mission by sponsoring a special event at The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025. Conference Sponsorship Sponsor The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025 and help us expand our profession. Sponsors The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025 Be a part of shaping the future of piano teaching, learning, and performing. Please direct all questions regarding sponsorship ...
What Is the First Bartók Piece You Teach? by Martha Appleby This question assumes that piano teachers are teaching Bartók! A college student asked me after a workshop if anyone was teaching Bartók today—she had not heard of this composer until reaching the college level. What a treat this future teacher has in store. I ...
piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano