Piano Inspires Podcast: Gail Berenson

To celebrate the latest episode of the Piano Inspires Podcast featuring Gail Berenson, we are sharing an excerpted transcript of her conversation with Alejandro Cremaschi. Want to learn more about Berenson? Check out the latest installment of the Piano Inspires Podcast. To learn more, visit pianoinspires.com. Listen to our latest episode with Berenson on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or our website!

Gail Berenson

Gail Berenson: This was back in the mid 80s and there was no such thing.

Alejandro Cremaschi: Nothing. I think this topic in general was kind of either ignored or avoided or dismissed.

GB: Yeah, I mean, if you injured yourself, many people would drop out because they didn’t know how to fix it, or they didn’t know how to get past it. And if you were injured, I know Alice [Brandfonbrener] had done research on musicians in orchestras, and they were afraid to say anything to the conductor for fear they’d be fired. So taking that course was a monumental thing, and I came back and I said, “I’d like to initiate a new course.” So I went through all the development things of setting a new course in place, and in 1989 we offered the first course.

It was at that time, or maybe it was a little bit earlier, but it was at that time that other organizations were initiating wellness committees. The National Flute Association, they had a wellness committee. Richard Chronister came to me and said, “Would you put a committee together for [then] NCPP?” [now The Piano Conference: NCKP] at that time. That was 1989. Linda Cockey was one of the people that I called on. I mean, it was a huge committee. I mean, Corolla Grandia, who was from the UK, came in to be a part of that committee. I mean, you know, we’re only meeting once every other year, but, of course, we would do all this correspondence. And it was fantastic. It was sort of like birthing a baby, you know, it really was. 

AC: It’s like putting this topic that nobody was actually discussing in the first role.

GB: Right. And then it sort of grew from there. That was the first one that I was involved in. And then in 2012 I went to some ISME Conferences, the International Society for Music Education, and one of the members of the forum that I was a part of, this was the first committee that dealt with applied instruction and one-on-one instruction because everything else was music ed related. There was a person on that committee who was very interested in musicians’ health. And she said, “Would you start something for us here?” So I did, and that committee was the Committee on Musicians Health and Wellness Special Interest Group. It’s been going, well, since 2012. And then in 2015 College Music Society decided to start. 

I’m finding that that field has expanded so much because we always thought it started out dealing with how to recover from an injury. And then it was okay, how do we prevent an injury from coming? Okay, and then it was well, what about all the other aspects of wellness [and] performance anxiety.

AC: Which are so interconnected in the end. I mean, you can’t really treat an injury. Injuries can be also devastating psychologically. 

GB: Absolutely.

AC: So we have to treat the whole person.

GB: Then the other is an issue of vision. It turns out that music teachers are the first to find out that some students, children especially, have issues with vision, where the notes bounce around—it’s a muscle imbalance. It’s not, I mean, they can go to an optometrist and be tested. They have 20-20 vision, and the optometrist says, “You’re good to go.” But they’re getting headaches, and they can’t see the notes, and they keep bobbing their [heads] trying to find a way to read. And it impacts how they read everything. It’s not just music.

AC: Yeah, this is also important, such important work and, yeah, just getting that information out.

If you enjoyed this excerpt from Piano Inspires Podcast’s latest episode, listen to the entire episode with Gail Berenson on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or our website!


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