
Piano Inspires Discovery

A space dedicated to inspiring the love of piano and music making through educational and inspirational content.

  • Reflections on My Piano Teacher | Honoring Fern Davidson

    Reflections on My Piano Teacher | Honoring Fern Davidson

    We at the Frances Clark Center believe passionately that piano teachers change the world through their dedication to students and communities. Our Power of a Piano Teacher campaign shares personal tributes to document the extraordinary contributions of piano teachers. We welcome you to celebrate your teacher and share your tribute with us by making a donation to the Frances Clark…

  • This Week in Piano History: Happy World Piano Day!

    This Week in Piano History: Happy World Piano Day!

    THIS WEEK IN PIANO HISTORY, we are celebrating World Piano Day and the accomplishments of all pianists! The piano was invented over three hundred years ago by Bartolomeo Cristofori, an Italian builder. His ingenious design from 1700 used hammers inside the action of a harpsichord to create a wider dynamic range. Cristofori’s instrument ignited the…

  • Tips for Rote Teaching: Special Guest Q&A with Expert E.L. Lancaster

    Tips for Rote Teaching: Special Guest Q&A with Expert E.L. Lancaster

    Last year we invited our followers to submit questions for E.L. Lancaster about rote teaching to celebrate he and Kevin Olson’s new publication, From Rote to Note: Elementary Piano Pieces That Reinforce Theory and Technique. We are pleased to give these newly updated answers a permanent home on our Discovery page. We invite you to…

  • From Financial Officer to Piano Teacher | Honoring Sandra Preysz and Lenora Brown

    From Financial Officer to Piano Teacher | Honoring Sandra Preysz and Lenora Brown

    We at the Frances Clark Center believe passionately that piano teachers change the world through their dedication to students and communities. Our Power of a Piano Teacher campaign shares personal tributes to document the extraordinary contributions of piano teachers. We welcome you to celebrate your teacher and share your tribute with us by making a donation to the Frances Clark…

  • The Power of a Piano Teacher

    The Power of a Piano Teacher

    Teaching is probably the noblest profession in the world — the most unselfish, difficult, and honorable profession. Leonard Bernstein We at the Frances Clark Center believe passionately that piano teachers change the world through their dedication to their students and communities. With the launch of our Power of a Piano Teacher campaign, we will be…

  • 5 Things You Might Not Know About Zoltán Kodály

    5 Things You Might Not Know About Zoltán Kodály

    Don’t miss Megan’s Inspiring Artistry contribution about J.S. Bach’s Invention in C Minor, which includes exposition on how to effectively teach the piece, all the way from preparation to performance. 1. Kodály wrote for piano and organ! Besides his many successful works for choir, Kodály wrote 7 Pieces for Piano, Op. 11, a Méditation sur…

  • A Peek Inside Piano Inspires Discussion Events: Opportunities to Learn, Discuss, and Connect

    A Peek Inside Piano Inspires Discussion Events: Opportunities to Learn, Discuss, and Connect

    We were pleased to welcome Dr. Brenda Wristen, Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and author of the Piano Magazine article “No Thumb or Fifth Finger on Black Keys, Except…”  for an informative article discussion in September. Dr. Wristen and Senior Editor Craig Sale explored the rules of the black…

  • Alternatively-Sized Keyboards: Special Guest Q&A with Expert Carol Leone

    Alternatively-Sized Keyboards: Special Guest Q&A with Expert Carol Leone

    Last year we invited you to submit questions for Carol Leone about alternatively sized keyboards via our social media channels. We are pleased to give these newly updated answers a permanent home on our Discovery page. We invite you to join us on social media for the opportunity to have your questions on a variety…

  • This Week in Piano History: The Premiere of Mendelssohn’s G Minor Piano Concerto, October 17, 1831

    This Week in Piano History: The Premiere of Mendelssohn’s G Minor Piano Concerto, October 17, 1831

    THIS WEEK IN PIANO HISTORY, we celebrate the premiere of Felix Mendelssohn’s Piano Concerto in G Minor, Op. 25, premiered by the composer himself on October 17, 1831 in Munich. The concerto, made famous by Clara Schumann and Franz Liszt (and later ridiculed by Hector Berlioz!), became incredibly popular with pianists throughout Europe for its…

  • A Quick Look at Technology: What Pianists Should Know

    A Quick Look at Technology: What Pianists Should Know

    Special thanks to the Stella Sick, chair of the NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference Technology committee, for this post. Why is technology important for pianists today? The last three years have expanded everyone’s base-level of technology usage. This newly found familiarity opened doors to immersive music experiences, exciting collaborations, reaching new audiences, and expanding repertoire.…

  • A Quick Look at Teaching Young Musicians: What Pianists Should Know

    A Quick Look at Teaching Young Musicians: What Pianists Should Know

    Special thanks to the Janet Tschida, chair of the NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference Young Musicians: Birth to Age 9 committee for this post. Why is working with young musicians important for pianists today? The Young Musicians Track’s theme of “Learning Music from the Inside Out” endeavors to support teachers aspiring to implement an aural/experiential…

  • Blending East and West: Ma Shui-Long

    Blending East and West: Ma Shui-Long

    THIS WEEK IN PIANO HISTORY, we remember Taiwanese composer Ma Shui-Long who died on May 2, 2015 at the age of 75. A composer of a wide oeuvre of works, Ma is known for his efforts to blend Eastern and Western compositional traditions. Ma Shui-Long, born on July 17, 1939, grew up in Ji-long and…

  • Five Ways to Improve Your Website

    Five Ways to Improve Your Website

    Don’t miss Clinton Pratt’s presentation at NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference, From Solo to School, on July 26, 2023 from 1:30-2:20PM. Register for NCKP 2023 before May 1, 2023 to receive the early bird discount! 1. Have a clear call-to-action. Don’t confuse prospective clients with too many things to do. Should they call you? Email…

  • An Inspirational Force of Nature | Honoring Michelle Conda

    An Inspirational Force of Nature | Honoring Michelle Conda

    Michelle Conda is a recipient of the 2023 Frances Clark Center Lifetime Achievement Award. Her extensive contributions to the field of piano pedagogy are extraordinary and exemplify outstanding dedication to the field of music and piano teaching. The Frances Clark Center Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor and is presented on behalf of the…

  • A Quick Look at Creative Music Making: What Pianists Should Know

    A Quick Look at Creative Music Making: What Pianists Should Know

    Special thanks to the Bradley Sowash, member of the NCKP 2023 Creative Music Making committee, for this post. Why is creative music making an important topic for pianists today? Today’s students benefit from instruction in reading and generating music. Why? Because students that read well, play by ear, and/or create music can play a wider…

  • Für Elise: Beethoven’s Infamous Composition

    Für Elise: Beethoven’s Infamous Composition

    THIS WEEK IN PIANO HISTORY, Beethoven composed his infamous bagatelle Für Elise WoO 59 on April 27, 1810. The short piece is built around a recurring theme that is unceasingly popular with pianists of all ages. One of the central questions regarding this piece is to whom it was written. Scholarship remains unclear about the…

  • A Quick Look at Independent Music Teaching: What Pianists Should Know

    A Quick Look at Independent Music Teaching: What Pianists Should Know

    Special thanks to Jason Sifford, chair of the NCKP 2023 Independent Music Teaching committee, for this post. Why is independent teaching important for pianists today? Today’s emerging professionals and young parents are the first to be born in the 2000’s. This generation enters a world unlike any before, and understanding and embracing the unique challenges…

  • A Quick Look at Wellness: What Pianists Should Know

    A Quick Look at Wellness: What Pianists Should Know

    Special thanks to the NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference Wellness Committee for their contributions to this post. Why is wellness an important topic for pianists today? It is known that few pianists go through life without encountering an injury or illness, whether directly related to playing or not. Therefore, it is very important that there…

piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano