Research Topics in Piano Education
Presentations, panels, and discussions focused on current and leading research in the field of piano teaching, learning, and performing.

New Articles from the Journal of Piano Research: A New Tool to Measure Dysmusia, and Practice Habits of Pre-College Chinese Students
with Yuan Jiang, Yue Liu, and Meganne Woronchak and Alejandro Cremaschi and Pame...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Musical Behaviour – the Significance of Context-Sensitive Pedagogy
Eva Wilde and Graham Welch, with Alejandro Cremaschi, host (11/20/24)

From Idea to Research: Developing a Successful Project
with Charlene Ryan, Ann Marie Stanley, and Betty Anne Younker with Alejandro Cre...

Determinants of Motivation in World-Class Musicians and Olympic Athletes: Exploring the Front and the Back Side of the Medallion
with Johannes Hatfield and Alejandro Cremaschi, host (01/24/2024)

#100daysofpractice: Selection and adaptation of self-regulated learning strategies in an online music performance challenge
with Camilla dos Santos Silva, Helena Marinho, and Alejandro Cremaschi, host (11...

It’s Never Too Late: Lived Experiences of Amateur Adult Piano Learners
with Pei-Chen Chen, Elizabeth Haddon, and Alejandro Cremaschi, host (10/25/2023)

Hand Span, Keyboard Size, and Ergonomics: One Size Does Not Fit All
with Ju-Yang (Dino) Chi, Rhonda Boyle, Carol Leone, Bronwen Ackerman, Erica Book...

The Inclusive Studio: Teaching Students with Disabilities in the Private Piano and String Lesson Settings
with Kasia Bujag and Diana Dumlawvalla (04/14/2023)

Perfectionism in the Music Studio: Motivating Achievement or Exacerbating Anxiety?
with Stella Jeong and Charlene Ryan (02/10/2023)

Creating Effective Research Posters
with Carla Davis Cash, Alejandro Cremaschi, and Sara Ernst (01/13/2023)

Teaching during COVID: The Teacher’s Perspective, and the Impact of Parental Support on Online Lessons
with António Oliveira, Michele Biasutti, Roberta Antonini Philippe, and Alejand...

Performance Success: Studies on the Influence of Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation
with Akiho Suzuki, Megan Lewis, and Erianne Weight (11/11/2022)

Approaching Quantitative Research: A Clinic for Early-Stage Quantitative Projects
with James Austin and Peter Miksza (10/14/2022)