Discovery Blog

Effectively Teaching Young Students: Q&A with Sara Ernst

We invited our followers to submit questions for Sara Ernst about effectively teaching young students to practice. Today, Sara is answering those questions!We encourage you to read Sara’s article, “Practicing Alongside Our Intermediate Students,” in the Winter 2022 issue of Piano Magazine. Additionally, enroll in...

Discovery Blog

How to Record an Effective Teaching Demonstration: 6 Tips for Success

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We are delighted to share top tips from Dr. Sara Ernst on recording effective teaching demonstrations as you compile your teaching video submissions for NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference. Sara is Director of Teacher Engagement for the...

Discovery Blog

How to Write an Effective Conference Proposal: 5 Tips for Success

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We are delighted to share top tips from Dr. Sara Ernst on writing successful conference proposals to support you as you draft your session ideas for NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference. Sara is Director of Teacher Engagement...


Practicing Alongside Our Intermediate Students

Winter 2022; Vol. 13, No. 4

Practice may be readily defined by our elementary students as “playing the piano at home” and by intermediate students as “time spent learning my music.” Advanced musicians acquire a nuanced definition of practice, which may include concepts like warming up, deep listening and analysis, artistic...


Smiling Faces and Adapted Approaches in Online Lessons with Children

COVID-19 Special Issue; Vol. 12, No. 2

My recent lessons with elementary and intermediate students have been filled with music making and sweet moments of personal connection. I enjoyed a student’s smile with a first lost tooth, another’s excitement in showing off her scales with both hands, and exclamations of “I love this piece!” and “That’s...


A Tribute to Marvin Blickenstaff and his Pedagogical Legacy

Spring 2020; Vol. 12, No. 1

Marvin Blickenstaff has been a pillar of the North American piano community for more than five decades. His dedication to outstanding teaching, learning, and performing has been honed through his work with innumerable students and their teachers. Anyone who has witnessed Marvin working with young pianists understands why his work is so powerful. He demands excellence from his students and colleagues,...


September 2018: First Looks: New Music Reviews

September 2018; Vol. 10, No. 5

New Music Reviews Editor’s noteHo, ho, ho! The holidays are on the horizon. We know how it is for piano teachers (we’re teachers ourselves). We frantically run to the music store, hoping to snag our favorites before the teacher with 120 students cleans out the...


September/October 2017: New Music Reviews

September 2017; Vol. 9, No. 5

Happy Holidays! (S1-4) We Three Kings, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and Deck the Hall Hoedown, arranged by Wendy Stevens. For teachers wanting some fun and creative options to spice up their holiday recitals, three new arrangements by Wendy Stevens are fantastic choices. “We Three...


November 2018: New Music Reviews

November 2018; Vol. 10, No. 6

(S3-4) Big Phat Jazz Piano Solos: 10 Big Phat Band Classics, arranged by Gordon Goodwin. (S3-4) If you’re not familiar with the name “Gordon Goodwin,” you probably haven’t played in a high school jazz band in the last fifteen years or so. Goodwin’s music has achieved near ubiquity in the jazz education world because of his...


To Play and to Study: The Thrill of Discovery

November 2018; Vol. 10, No. 6

Learning is thrilling. As we feel our own potential expand, we seek to develop our capabilities even further. We feel excitement when a concept clicks into understanding. Our curiosity is piqued when a new challenge reveals itself. The satisfaction of learning is amplified when we are thoroughly engaged in discovery and exploration. Watching...


November/December 2017: New Music Reviews

November 2017; Vol. 9, No. 6

(S3) From Sight to Sound: 6 Original PIano Solos, by Randall Hartsell.  Randall Hartsell composed From Sight to Sound to express the “interconnectedness of nature and our lives,” and this collection contains six reflective pieces characterized by melodic simplicity and harmonic richness. The collection capitalizes...


May 2018: New Music Reviews

May 2018; Vol. 10, No. 3

Festival Sonatina by Eugénie Rocherelle  The Classical sonatina is such a pedagogical treasure, as it provides great material to study and perform—teachers can spur growth in artistry, and students love the musically satisfying material. Eugénie Rocherolle’s Festival Sonatina has two commonalities with the Classical sonatina: its...

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