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About us
“Every child can know the joy of making music at the piano.”
– Frances Clark

The Frances Clark Center
The Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy is a not-for-profit educational organization 501(c)(3) that serves the advancement of piano teaching, learning, and performing through highest quality resources and programs. The Center includes the divisions: Piano Magazine, Piano Inspires Kids, Journal of Piano Research, NCKP: The Piano Conference, New School for Music Study, Online Teacher Education, and Piano Education Press.
The Center strives to enhance the quality of lifelong music making, educate teachers dedicated to nurturing lifelong involvement in music making, and develop and curate the highest quality resources that support an artistic and meaningful learning experience for all students regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. The work of the Center is based on the philosophy of music educator Frances Clark (1905-1998) whose life work revolutionized the field of music education in the twentieth century.