The National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy
NCKP: The Piano Conference Archives
A legacy of impact.
NCKP 2009 Program Book
NCKP 2009 Program Book coming soon.
The program book includes information on committees, keynotes, concert artists, teaching demos, sponsors, exhibitors, and the full schedule of sessions.
NCKP 2009 Resources
The NCKP Technology Instructors have provided supplemental electronic materials for many of their sessions. Please click on any document names or links below a session’s description to view these materials. Electronic handouts are provided for all NCKP attendees as a courtesy of the technology presenters and the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy.
Opening Up Students’ Ears with Digital Recording: Mason Conklin
Learn how to develop students’ critical listening skills using digital recording technology that enables instant playback of performances. Discover how to incorporate software and hardware tools, such as MP3 recorders and digital pianos, into lessons that will help students teach themselves!
MIDI – My Invisible Duet Instructor: Michelle Gordon and Kathy Maskell
Whether it’s a method piece, a classical ensemble work, or the latest movie theme, there is a motivating MIDI file for your student! Join Michelle and Kathy as they review the best MIDI materials and demonstrate creative ways to enhance private lessons and speed up the learning process by using MIDI accompaniments.
Slideshow coming soon.
The World at Your Fingertips: Distance Learning Tools for Piano Instruction: Shana Kirk and Jennifer Snow
Long-distance teaching is no longer part of the “future” of piano teaching–it’s here now! Join Jennifer and Shana on a tour of all the currently available and easy-to-use tools to extend your teaching across town or around the globe.
With the Right Tools, Any Student Can Learn to Improvise!: George F. Litterst
The lost art of classical improvisation need not stay lost! Start with an acoustic or digital piano, add user-friendly MIDI playback software and appropriate MIDI files. Then, sprinkle in some creative guidance from you, the teacher. In this environment, students at all levels will be ready and eager to create music spontaneously.
Slideshow coming soon.
Music Pathways MIDI Files coming soon.
Keyboard Ensemble Expedition: Lisa Zdechlik
Join Lisa in the keyboard lab for an ensemble literature reading session: some old, some new. As you participate in this reading session, Lisa will focus on ways to incorporate ensembles into the private lesson, technologies for individual practice, rehearsal techniques, and strategies for encouraging musicality and critical listening in ensemble playing.
Opine, Define, and Assign Online: Creating Blogs, Wikis, and Forums: Susan Capestro
Imagine… your own news and editorial webpage… your own mini-wikipedia… initiating a public square online to discuss important issues! Interactive features – many free – are changing our world. See how easy it is to use these exciting avenues for Internet teaching, communicating with students, and networking with colleagues.
Ready to Launch Your Studio into Cyberspace? Stella Sick, Jocelyn Morrow, and Kathleen Theisen
More and more piano studios have an online presence. What do these studios actually gain from having a website? How hard is it to set up a webpage? Do you really need one? Let us take you on a tour of contemporary studio websites, show you the benefits of having one, and even point you toward some basic free or inexpensive tools for getting your own website up and running!
From Stage to Big Screen in 50 Minutes: Videotaping and Publishing a Recital on the Web: Alejandro Cremaschi
During this step-by-step session, Alejandro will take you through the process of videotaping a performance, transferring the material to a computer, editing it, and publishing it to YouTube, a free, online video service. No previous knowledge required! We will discuss and answer your questions about each of the tools used in this presentation, including the video camera, video and media formats, editing programs, and video websites.
Click the link below to access the webpage with the electronic handouts and instructional videos.
Alejandro Cremaschi: NCKP Video
How to Shine Online and Website Walk-In Clinic: Alejandro Cremaschi, Susan Capestro, Michelle Sisler, Stella Sick, Jocelyn Morrow, and Kathleen Theisen
Get personalized assistance with your web site. Our team of experts stands ready to answer your questions and help you to take your website to the next level! In addition, if you started a website in our pre-conference technology track and would like more, individual help, bring your laptop. We’ll work with you, using the tools introduced during the pre-conference workshop.