
Piano Inspires Discovery

A space dedicated to inspiring the love of piano and music making through educational and inspirational content.

  • Five Principles to Help you Prepare and Practice Orchestral Reductions

    Five Principles to Help you Prepare and Practice Orchestral Reductions

    Don’t miss Cecilia Lo-Chien Kao‘s presentation at NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference, Piano as Orchestra: Creating Artful Orchestral Reductions, on June 11, 2023 from 2:00-2:50PM during our online event. Register now for NCKP 2023! 1. Listen to a Recording When you are learning a new orchestral reduction, it is very important to listen to the original orchestral…

  • A Quick Look at Teaching Adults: What Pianists Should Know

    A Quick Look at Teaching Adults: What Pianists Should Know

    Special thanks to Jackie Edwards-Henry (JEH) and Mary Sallee (MKS), members of the NCKP 2023 Teaching Adults committee, for this post. Why is teaching adults important for pianists today? JEH: Teaching adults shows us that we’re never too old to learn and experience the joy of music-making at the piano. So many adults say, “I…

  • Always give your maximum: A conversation with Menahem Pressler

    Always give your maximum: A conversation with Menahem Pressler

    With deep sadness at the recent passing of Menahem Pressler and in greatest honor and memory of his legacy, we share this article by Jerry Wong as it originally appeared in the March 2016 issue of The Piano Magazine: Clavier Companion. Menahem Pressler, best known as the pianist of the unparalleled Beaux Arts Trio for…

  • Bach Meets with the King!

    Bach Meets with the King!

    THIS WEEK IN PIANO HISTORY, Bach met King Frederick the Great of Prussia on May 7, 1747. During this visit, Frederick the Great inspired one of Bach’s most important final works, his Musical Offering, BWV 1079. Bach arrived in Potsdam on May 7, 1747 at the court of Frederick the Great. Bach’s son, Carl Philipp…

  • A Quick Look at Technology: What Pianists Should Know

    A Quick Look at Technology: What Pianists Should Know

    Special thanks to the Stella Sick, chair of the NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference Technology committee, for this post. Why is technology important for pianists today? The last three years have expanded everyone’s base-level of technology usage. This newly found familiarity opened doors to immersive music experiences, exciting collaborations, reaching new audiences, and expanding repertoire.…

  • A Quick Look at Teaching Young Musicians: What Pianists Should Know

    A Quick Look at Teaching Young Musicians: What Pianists Should Know

    Special thanks to the Janet Tschida, chair of the NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference Young Musicians: Birth to Age 9 committee for this post. Why is working with young musicians important for pianists today? The Young Musicians Track’s theme of “Learning Music from the Inside Out” endeavors to support teachers aspiring to implement an aural/experiential…

  • Blending East and West: Ma Shui-Long

    Blending East and West: Ma Shui-Long

    THIS WEEK IN PIANO HISTORY, we remember Taiwanese composer Ma Shui-Long who died on May 2, 2015 at the age of 75. A composer of a wide oeuvre of works, Ma is known for his efforts to blend Eastern and Western compositional traditions. Ma Shui-Long, born on July 17, 1939, grew up in Ji-long and…

  • Five Ways to Improve Your Website

    Five Ways to Improve Your Website

    Don’t miss Clinton Pratt’s presentation at NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference, From Solo to School, on July 26, 2023 from 1:30-2:20PM. Register for NCKP 2023 before May 1, 2023 to receive the early bird discount! 1. Have a clear call-to-action. Don’t confuse prospective clients with too many things to do. Should they call you? Email…

  • An Inspirational Force of Nature | Honoring Michelle Conda

    An Inspirational Force of Nature | Honoring Michelle Conda

    Michelle Conda is a recipient of the 2023 Frances Clark Center Lifetime Achievement Award. Her extensive contributions to the field of piano pedagogy are extraordinary and exemplify outstanding dedication to the field of music and piano teaching. The Frances Clark Center Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor and is presented on behalf of the…

  • Marvin Blickenstaff: Cheerleader Extraordinaire

    Marvin Blickenstaff: Cheerleader Extraordinaire

    We would like to thank Sara Ernst for this tribute to her mentor, Marvin Blickenstaff. Since 1999, Marvin Blickenstaff has been a beloved faculty member of the New School for Music Study in Kingston, NJ. In honor of the 25th year of his work for NSMS, we recognize the tremendous impact he has had on…

  • Meet People Where They Are | Honoring Marvin Blickenstaff

    Meet People Where They Are | Honoring Marvin Blickenstaff

    We would like to thank Karen Zorn for this tribute to her teacher, Marvin Blickenstaff. On January 30, 2024 we are hosting a virtual Publications Party to celebrate Marvin Blickenstaff’s new book, Inspired Piano Teaching. Click here to register for this free event! If you are interested in learning more about Marvin’s book, you can read more…

  • Piano Inspires Kids: David, Plays!

    Piano Inspires Kids: David, Plays!

    The Winter 2024 Issue of Piano Inspires Kids is coming soon! Subscribers will be receiving the print issue in their mailboxes in the coming weeks. Not yet a subscriber? Click here to receive the issue and give the gift of music to the musicians in your life! Keep reading for a sneak peek into the…

  • Collegiate Essay Winner: Emerging Adulthood and Undergraduate Group Piano

    Collegiate Essay Winner: Emerging Adulthood and Undergraduate Group Piano

    We would like to thank Melody Morrison for this insightful article on adulthood and collegiate group piano. This year more than a dozen collegiate students submitted essays in the collegiate writing competition. The topics were varied and the entrants, who came from eleven different universities, were at different stages of undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees.…

  • 5 Reasons You Should Include Asian Repertoire in Your Studio

    5 Reasons You Should Include Asian Repertoire in Your Studio

    We would like to thank Shuk-Ki Wong for this insightful article on including repertoire by Asian composers in the piano studio. Want to learn more about music from Asia? Register for the free webinar, “Composers and Music of Asian Heritage” presented by Yoshiko Arahata, Kairy Koshoeva, and Gulimina Mahamuti, with Chee-Hwa Tan, moderator and Luis Sanchez,…

  • Create to Motivate: Using Repertoire to Incorporate Creativity in Lessons

    Create to Motivate: Using Repertoire to Incorporate Creativity in Lessons

    We would like to thank Chee-Hwa Tan for this insightful article on creative activities to explore with your students. Want to apply these tips with your students? We encourage your students to submit to the Piano Inspires Kids 2024 Composition Contest. Student applicants are tasked with composing a fanfare inspired by the upcoming 2024 Summer…

  • Gratitude from the Frances Clark Center Team

    Gratitude from the Frances Clark Center Team

    As we continue the season of gratitude and giving, we pay tribute to piano teachers from around the country who are transforming the lives of their students. Students, parents, and colleagues are honoring piano teachers from their communities as part of the “Power of a Piano Teacher” campaign. We welcome you to celebrate your own…

  • Five Things You Might Not Know About Florence Price

    Five Things You Might Not Know About Florence Price

    We would like to thank Lia Jenson-Abbott for this insightful article on Florence Price. Want to learn more about Florence Price? The winter issue of Piano Inspires Kids will explore her life, music, and work. Our first batch just shipped, but there is still time to receive a copy by subscribing today. 1.  At age 18, Florence Price graduated from the…

  • A Genuine Place of Love and Kindness: Honoring Marvin Blickenstaff

    A Genuine Place of Love and Kindness: Honoring Marvin Blickenstaff

    We would like to thank Rebekah Hood for this tribute to her teacher, Marvin Blickenstaff. As we continue the season of gratitude and giving, we pay tribute to piano teachers from around the country who are transforming the lives of their students. Students, parents, and colleagues are honoring piano teachers from their communities as part…

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