We would like to thank Craig Sale for this insightful article about preparing students for their practice. To read the full article, click here.

I will always remember Frances Clark stating that our lessons should not be a “house of corrections.” Instead, she felt we should do all we can to ensure a week of successful practice so that the student returns the next week prepared for more growth and learning. I hold fast to this approach to teaching and believe that a teacher’s greatest obligation is to adequately prepare the student for each new discovery, piece, or activity. However, at the next week’s lesson, improvements will need to be made. Reality shows us that, even with our best efforts, students often return to the next week’s lesson with issues that need resolving.
Rather than simply correct the student’s errors, how can a teacher provide helpful, impactful feedback? Frances Clark encouraged “an honest approach to evaluating them and their work.” She added, “If we say, ‘Okay!’, ‘good!’, or ‘great!’, indiscriminately, students never get a clear picture of where they stand. It is important to say clearly how they are improving and why, and what needs improving and how.”1 Even when we heed these words, we run the risk of turning the lesson into a litany of corrections.
Elvina Pearce proposed giving the student an “active role” in evaluation: “I believe that students who are allowed to participate in this kind of…procedure at the lesson will be more apt to implement the resulting practice suggestions at home than they will those offered solely by a ‘talk-and-tell’ teacher who does most of the orchestrating of the lesson happenings without much input from the student.”2 After considering the advice from these great pedagogues, it is clear that honest feedback that involves the student can help us break out of the “house of corrections.”
Feedback on Technique
The teaching of technique, at any level, depends on engaging, informed feedback from the teacher. Technique is often a student’s least favorite part of a lesson. There can be many reasons for this, but one is most likely the fact that the feedback from the teacher tends to be critical rather than positive—an unappealing topic with frequent negative feedback. However, even this challenging area of study can be saved from the “house of corrections.” Involving the student in the evaluation and feedback can go a long way toward making technique study engaging and productive.
This approach can be started even at the beginning of study. At this early level, students can have established goals for how their technical work should sound, feel, and look. When the beginning student is presented with a good model, the feedback on their technique can and should become a collaborative effort. If the student has seen and felt what firm fingertips are (the first joint near the end of the finger), they can be asked to evaluate their own fingers. This is far more meaningful than having the teacher criticize the weak finger joint.
When taking this approach, it is important that the teacher first asks the student how they think they did. For example, if the student has an exercise or repertoire passage that uses staccatos, it is most effective if, before they play, they are asked to listen for these crisp staccatos. The student may not be as critical as desired; they might be too hard on themselves; or their area of focus may not really be relevant to the problem at hand. Regardless of these things, the teacher must first address their response—it must be valued and respected. Then, the teacher can add their thoughts, perhaps throwing new ideas into the mix, but always by having the student try the new things and having them evaluate how the new technique feels.
We hope you enjoyed this excerpt from Craig Sale’s article “Breaking Out of the House of Corrections.” You can read the entire article by clicking here.
1 Frances Clark, Questions and Answers; Practical Advice for Piano Teachers (Kingston, NJ: The Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy, 1992), 16.
2 Elvina Pearce, The Success Factor in Piano Teaching: Making Practice Perfect (Kingston, NJ: The Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy, 2014), 17.
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