
How Sleep Impacts Learning (And Why We Should All Sleep More!)

January 2019; Vol. 11, No. 1

Healthy Playing, Healthy Teaching, Vanessa Cornett, Editor  A common refrain among teachers in the developed world is that twenty-first-century students are over-scheduled, anxious, and unable to focus during their limited practice time.1 Compounding these stress, anxiety, and distraction issues for my students is that they are...


Winter 2021: Editor’s Letter: Celebrating Musical Innovators

Winter 2021; Vol. 12, No. 5

Ludwig van Beethoven was baptized on December 17, 1770, in Bonn. Although unimaginable on that winter day, his influence on generations of musicians across Europe cannot be overstated. To this day, his work occupies an enormous part of our musical canon and playing certain Beethoven sonatas remains a rite of passage for...


Winter 2020: Editor’s Letter: The Transformative Power of Music

Winter 2020; Vol. 11, No. 5

As pianists and educators, many of us excel at creating meaningful musical opportunities for students and audiences whose backgrounds are similar to our own. But, how might we serve people whose experiences are different from ours, in their own communities, in ways that enable them...


Musician & Activist: A Conversation with Kayo Anderson

Winter 2020; Vol. 11, No. 5

Kayo Anderson is a musician with LA Community Action Network (LA CAN), who works with Skid Row artists, many of whom are former industry-level musicians, to understand their unique challenges and help them facilitate their return to employability. In the United States, employment brings personal...


NCKP 2021: Preconference Sneak Peek

Spring 2021; Vol. 13, No. 1

The National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy invites you to attend thirteen stimulating days of preconference sessions that are guaranteed to reenergize your teaching! The conference is taking full advantage of the virtual platform, giving each preconference track its own day and allowing you to immerse...


Rocherolle’s New Orleans Sketches: Teaching Tips for “Masquerade!”

Spring 2021; Vol. 13, No. 1

Eugénie Rocherolle has written numerous compositions inspired by the music and culture of her hometown of New Orleans. Many of these appealing pieces offer students opportunities to learn about styles of music that permeate the parades and festivals in the city while developing important technical...


Teaching Adults in Group-Piano Settings: Facilitating the Musical Process

Summer 2021; Vol. 13, No. 2

WHY TEACH PIANO TO ADULTS IN GROUPS? Adults of all ages are interested in making music at the piano, regardless of their skill level. Adults pursuing formal piano study include those who are true novices, people with extensive piano backgrounds, and many who play at various levels in between....

piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano