What’s New at The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We would like to thank Sara Ernst, Michaela Jones, and Megan Hall for this fascinating article on what we can expect at the Piano Conference: NCKP 2025. Join us for The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025 as we...
This Month in Piano History – March 2025
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question THIS MONTH IN PIANO HISTORY we celebrate Black women in jazz, Piano Day, a giant in the music education field, and the birthday of Maurice Ravel. Read more below to learn more about the many historic musical...
This Month in Piano History – January 2025
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question Portrait of Alexander Scriabin THIS MONTH IN PIANO HISTORY, we welcome the new year by remembering the births of two composers who changed the trajectory of piano repertoire and the death of a masterly and inventive harpsichordist...
5 Reasons to Participate in The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We would like to thank Megan Hall and Curtis Pavey for this insightful article about why you should submit to our Call for Participation at The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025. The last chance to submit your teaching...
This Month in Piano History – Les femmes du musique
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question Photo of Maria Callas from the television talk show Small World. The program aired in 1958 and was hosted by Edward R. Murrow. This November, we celebrate three inspiring women: soprano Maria Callas, composer and pianist Fanny...
Recreational Music Making: 5 Discoveries We Made as RMM Teachers
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We would like to thank Debra Perez, Craig Sale, Rebecca Bellelo, and Emily Book McGree for their contributions to this article on Recreational Music Making. Interested to learn more about RMM? Our latest course, A Pianist’s Guide...
5 Reasons to Submit a Proposal to The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We would like to thank Megan Hall and Curtis Pavey for this insightful article about why you should submit a proposal to The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025. The last chance to submit your proposals via our proposal...
Recreational Music Making: 5 Discoveries We Made as RMM Teachers
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We would like to thank Debra Perez, Craig Sale, Rebecca Bellelo, and Emily Book McGree for their contributions to this article on Recreational Music Making. Interested to learn more about RMM? Our latest course, A Pianist’s Guide...
5 Reasons to Submit a Proposal to The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We would like to thank Megan Hall and Curtis Pavey for this insightful article about why you should submit a proposal to The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025. The last chance to submit your proposals via our proposal...
This Month in Piano History – September 2024: Celebrate Classical Music Month
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question September 1994 Classical Music Month was established by President Bill Clinton, who greatly appreciated the unifying power of classical music. On August 22, 1994, President Clinton spoke about the power of music: Classical music is a celebration...
How to Teach like Kodály in 5 Easy Steps
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question Don’t miss Megan Rich‘s Lightning Talk at NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference, Singing in the Piano Lesson: Zoltán Kodály’s 333 Elementary Exercises in Solfège Singing, on July 26, 2023 from 4:00-4:50PM during our in-person event. Register now for NCKP...
5 Things You Might Not Know About Zoltán Kodály
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question Don’t miss Megan’s Inspiring Artistry contribution about J.S. Bach’s Invention in C Minor, which includes exposition on how to effectively teach the piece, all the way from preparation to performance. Zoltán Kodály 1. Kodály wrote for piano...