
A Tribute to Nancy Bachus

Winter 2021; Vol. 12, No. 5

A Tribute to Nancy Bachus It is inevitable that our profession will lose valued members of our community, but that does not make the loss any easier. Our colleagues touch our lives and influence our work and the work of those around us. Nancy Bachus was one...


Making Music Come Alive

July 2012; Vol. 4, No. 4

In my early years of teaching I clearly remember commenting about my students’ playing to my husband, “All the notes and rhythms are correct, but they don’t sound that good. I’m not sure how to help them make the music ‘come alive’.” I certainly have...


How do you teach technique to beginning piano students?

May 2016; Vol. 8, No. 3

Beginning piano technique: Back to basics “He’s just trying it out, so he doesn’t need an expert teacher. We’ll just go to the most inexpensive teacher we can find until we know he likes it.” How many times have we bristled at this kind of...

piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano