Discovery Blog

The Body and the Beat: Developing Rhythm through Mindful Movement

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We would like to thank Lesley McAllister for this insightful article on rhythm and movement. To read the full article, click here. Movement, for children, is necessary for learning. Young bodies are fine-tuned sensory receptors collecting information,...

International Content

El Cuerpo y el Ritmo: Desarrollando el Ritmo a través del Movimiento Consciente

El movimiento, para los niños, es necesario para el aprendizaje. Los cuerpos jóvenes son receptores sensoriales afinados que recopilan información, son curiosos y ansiosos por explorar el mundo que los rodea.1 El niño pequeño se encuentra en un período de sensibilidad para adquirir conciencia kinestésica...

Discovery Blog

A Quick Look at Wellness: What Pianists Should Know

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question Special thanks to the NCKP 2023: The Piano Conference Wellness Committee for their contributions to this post. Why is wellness an important topic for pianists today? It is known that few pianists go through life without encountering...

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