What to Expect at The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025
From the Performance Practice, Teaching Adults, and Business & Entrepreneurship Committee Chairs Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question The committees of The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025 contribute to the program of the conference by curating topic-based tracks from the call for proposals. These...
Three Common Questions Asked by Teacher/Facilitators Concerning Adult Piano Learners
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We would like to thank Jackie Edwards-Henry for this insightful article on teaching adults. Want to learn more about adult teaching? Register for the free webinar, “It’s Never Too Late: Lived Experiences of Adult Piano Learners” presented...
A Quick Look at Teaching Adults: What Pianists Should Know
Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question Special thanks to Jackie Edwards-Henry (JEH) and Mary Sallee (MKS), members of the NCKP 2023 Teaching Adults committee, for this post. Why is teaching adults important for pianists today? JEH: Teaching adults shows us that we’re never...
NCKP 2023: Committee Programming Previews
Spring 2023; Vol. 15, No. 1
NCKP: The Piano Conference will be in-person at the Westin Chicago Lombard from Wednesday to Saturday, July 26–29, 2023, and online on Friday to Sunday, June 9–11, 2023. The conference has a compelling array of topics covering all aspects of piano teaching, learning, and performing....
How do you help an adult student who has ingrained poor technical habits?
Keyboard Companion Spring 2008; Vol. 19, No. 1
from the series: It’s Never Too Late: Adult Piano Study Michelle Conda, Editor by The Adult Learning Committee of the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy Okay, let’s face it – I’m not talking about the good habits your adult students have, but the bad habits that form...
Adults on the Move with Dalcroze!
November 2018; Vol. 10, No. 6
Say the word “Eurhythmics” to a group of age-forty-plus adults and they would likely define it as a pop music group from the 1980s. College students might even give the same response. The same word given to a group of music educators would likely be defined as movement-based music instruction, primarily used in general music...
2019 NCKP Preconference Highlights
Summer 2019; Vol. 11, No. 3
NCKP has eleven subcommittees, comprised of leaders in each of the following subcommittee areas: collaborative performance, collegiate pedagogy teaching, creative music making, inclusive teaching, independent music teachers, music in early childhood, research, students and young professionals, teaching adults, technology, and wellness. Over seventy-five individuals serve...