Dr. Ernst Accepts Position at the University of South Carolina

The Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy announces the resignation of Sara Ernst as Administrative Director of The New School for Music Study. Ernst has accepted a position at the University of South Carolina as Assistant Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy.  The Executive Committee has named Rebecca Pennington, currently Admissions Director at the New School, as Interim Administrative Director, while the Board of Trustees undertakes an extensive search for a new Administrative Director.

“My three years working for FCCKP have been rewarding years.  I have enjoyed my duties as NSMS director, working with the School, the Center, and the Board,” Ernst writes. “I hope that the School and Center continue to view me as a resource and colleague in the field of piano pedagogy.  I have utmost respect for its mission and goals and would welcome the opportunity for continued participation in a different capacity.  I feel sadness at my resignation, but also look forward to the future steps in my career.”

Leslie Owsley, Chair of the Center Board of Trustees, adds, “Of course, as happy as we are for Sara, we are very sorry to have her leave us.  She has been a visionary, thoughtful, and steady leader, and has done a tremendous amount to put the New School on a good path for the future.  We will miss her.”

Ernst begins her new position at The University of South Carolina in August 2013.

The Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy is a not-for-profit educational institution (501c3) located in Kingston, New Jersey. The Center serves local, national, and international audiences through its three divisions: The New School for Music Study, the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy, and Clavier Companion magazine.

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