Teacher Stories: Guidelines

Thank you for agreeing to contribute to our Teacher Stories series. The goal of Teacher Stories is to recognize teachers through personal tributes. We will honor teachers who have devoted their lives to nurturing future generations, supporting their communities, and leading arts education. These powerful, and personal stories will inspire our community, and highlight the life-long impact of music learning in piano studios around the world.  

Please view below the possible prompt questions to help shape your contribution. These are shared as ideas not requirements. An ideal length is 500-1,000 words, although tributes of any length are welcome. 

General Background

  • Consider a personal, inspiring opening sentence that expresses the importance of this teacher.
  • Provide general information about your time studying with this teacher.
  • Please include the following: your name, the teacher’s name, location, school affiliation (if applicable) and/or studio name.

Your Relationship

  • Reflect upon your relationship with your teacher. Write about your teacher’s individual qualities that are/were most meaningful to you.
  • Please share why you are grateful for the relationship you have with this teacher. You can include lessons learned, personal impact stories for you and for others, and overall appreciation.
  • Identify the major challenges and achievements you experienced during your studies and how your teacher supported, influenced, and inspired you.

Studio Experience

  • Describe an event, activity, or project within this teacher’s studio that is unique and significant to you. How did this contribute to your growth? 
  • Reflect on the most memorable piano pieces you studied with your teacher. Why and how did this form a lasting memory?
  • Recall other individuals who were connected to this studio: students, parents, other musicians, audience members, etc. How did your piano teacher inspire and impact this broader community?

The Impact

  • What life and music skills did you develop in your piano studies that you continue to rely on today? Why and how do you value your piano lessons?
  • How has learning the piano and your work with this teacher transformed you as an individual, and the community in which you live?
  • Please share any personal experiences or stories that demonstrate the profound impact your teacher has had on your life and your community. 
piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano