Inspired Piano Teaching
by Marvin Blickenstaff
The Frances Clark Center is thrilled to announce the publication of Inspired Piano Teaching by Marvin Blickenstaff. Mr. Marvin Blickenstaff shares his wisdom and expertise from over 60 years of celebrated piano teaching and teacher workshops.
Inspired Piano Teaching is filled with practical advice on teaching students at all levels. It is dedicated to keeping inspiration and artistry alive for every student in every lesson. After reading the book, teachers will feel like they have attended a multi-day workshop with Marvin. Topics range from proactive teaching, the interview, and the first lesson to technical gestures, guidelines to interpretation, and coaching a piece to performance. This is a book to be experienced, to be consumed, to be internalized—so that teachers can, in turn, pass musical and artistic concepts to students.

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Praise for Inspired Piano Teaching
More about Marvin
PianoInspires.Com Discovery Page: “It seems to me that this is how Marvin lives his life. Meet people where they are. I felt this acceptance from him right from our beginning days together as teacher and student.” – Karen Zorn, from “Meet People Where They Are | Honoring Marvin Blickenstaff”, Discovery Page
About the Marvin Blickenstaff Institute for Teaching Excellence: “We are deeply honored to celebrate the extraordinary Marvin Blickenstaff and his lifelong contributions to piano teaching and artistry. His inspiring dedication to excellence, transformative teaching, and generous support of the professional community are central to this important new Frances Clark Center initiative. The Marvin Blickenstaff Institute for Teaching Excellence will amplify Marvin’s legacy for all of us and for future generations.” – Dr. Jennifer Snow, CEO and Executive Director, The Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy