5 Things You Might Not Know Guidelines
Thank you for participating in our contributor promos! Below are guidelines to ensure your promo is as effective as possible. We will promote your contribution through the provided resources in as many ways as possible, but please be aware we cannot guarantee exposure on all social channels. We may also edit your submission to promote continuity and reach. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Anna Beth Rucker at arucker@francesclarkcenter.org.
Places your promo may appear: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Piano Inspires Discovery page
Best practices
1. Search for interesting/quirky/connecting facts.
- Think “Did You Know?”
- Include citations.
Interesting facts (if they were real)
- J.S. Bach had a fear of heights.
- Franz Liszt owned 37 pianos.
- Beethoven and Brahms exchanged letters and had high regard for each other.
Not very interesting facts
- J.S. Bach was born in 1685.
- Franz Liszt was a pianist and performer.
- Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 29 is in Bb major.
However, if there is an important fact about your subject that everyone should know, feel free to include it, even if it’s not earth shattering!
2. Keep the facts as short as possible.
Only include the MOST interesting part of each fact. Long sentences don’t perform as well in social media formats.
3. Think about the facts being read as well as written.
For accessibility, we make sure to include a voiceover in our videos for visually-imparied viewers.
Only write out full names once. After the first iteration, use only last names.
4. Include an image that relates to each fact.
Include at least one photo for each fact. Try to find as high resolution images as possible and avoid images that are small in size. Paste into your word doc and include weblinks to the photos.
5. For inclusion in Discovery page: include context
Include a paragraph or two of explanation for each fact if you would like to be featured on our Discovery page (blog-like, open access space on our website). Total word count: ~500 words. Please view our previous posts for examples of the preferred format: