Piano Magazine Plagiarism Policy

The key to avoiding plagiarism, as outlined by the American Psychological Association, is that “an author does not present the work of another as if it were his or her own work.”1 

The proper citation and credit of all sources is the responsibility of the author, not the editorial staff. If authors need help locating or citing a source they are welcome to ask the editorial staff for assistance.  Editors, however, including the Editor-in-Chief, are not responsible for determining original authorship of submitted material. 

Plagiarism may include, but is not limited to, any of the following: 

1) Using text, music, graphics, images, words, concepts, ideas, research, statistics, theories, methodologies or other works that were created by others, without proper citation.

2) Copying verbatim or nearly verbatim the words of another without proper citation.

3) Paraphrasing another’s work or material without proper citation and credit.

4) Failure to properly cite and credit quoted material and/or failure to clearly indicate (through quotation marks or indented text) quoted material.  

If plagiarism is suspected by the editorial staff of Piano Magazine, or if allegations of plagiarism are reported to Piano Magazine, the following steps will be taken: 

1) Piano Magazine will contact the author and inform the author of the allegation.

2) The author will have ten days to respond to the allegation in writing.

3) An investigation will be conducted by a minimum of three members of the Piano Magazine editorial staff, including the Editor-in-Chief.  

If the allegations of plagiarism are substantiated through investigation, Piano Magazine may take one or more of the following actions: 

1) A notice of the plagiarism determination will appear in Piano Magazine, and will include the determination of the investigation, an apology from the author, and a list of errata. 

2) Removal of material found to contain plagiarism from the Company’s website and other online resources.

3) The author will be banned from submitting manuscripts to Piano Magazine for a minimum of three years. Longer suspensions may be initiated at the discretion of Piano Magazine.

4) Any other course of action as recommended by the editorial staff which reviewed the matter. 


1 American Psychological Association (2001). The publication manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth Edition). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, p. 349.

Portions of this policy adapted from the
Music Teachers National Association Plagiarism Policy

Policy adopted by the Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy
Board of Directors, October 2013, updated February 2019



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