To celebrate the latest episode of the Piano Inspires Podcast featuring Penelope Roskell, we are sharing an excerpted transcript of her conversation with Sara Ernst. Want to learn more about Roskell? Check out the latest installment of the Piano Inspires Podcast. To learn more, visit Listen to our latest episode with Roskell on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or our website!

Sara Ernst: I’ve heard you talk about—I think the phrase you used was “duty of care.” And that comes into my mind hearing you speak about this.
Penelope Roskell: Yeah. I feel as teachers, what I’ve been talking about really already, we have a responsibility to look after our students physically and also to nurture them as artists now—to instill a love of music, [a] love of art, and the higher things in life. Really, the things that we really live for, as musicians.
We can’t always get that right, and there are things that every teacher will do wrong and regret and look back and think, “Oops, I really got it wrong with that in that lesson” or whatever. But I think if that’s what we set ourselves as our challenge, then we’ll get somewhere along that. Especially if you’re a young teacher, you’re not going to get everything right. And you know, maybe a student will be practicing in a very unwise way, and they might hurt their hand. Maybe it’s something you couldn’t prevent. You just didn’t have the knowledge. You didn’t have the experience.
So in that case, you ask somebody who does have the experience for the extra support, or you find it out online, or wherever you go. And then you come back, and you will probably have learned from that experience, and you’re an even better teacher in the future from it. So we learn from our mistakes, don’t we?
SE: We do, and it’s one of those things that I’m so grateful we have such a community in our field of people and experts and other teachers.
If you enjoyed this excerpt from Piano Inspires Podcast’s latest episode, listen to the entire episode with Penelope Roskell on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or our website!
- WEBINAR: Techniques for Beginning Pianists
- with Penelope Roskell
- PIANO MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Autumn 2020: Book Reviews: The Complete Pianist: From Healthy Technique to Natural Artistry by Julie Welsh Miller