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A Pianist’s Guide to Teaching Recreational Music Makers

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Welcome to A Pianist’s Guide to Teaching Recreational Music Makers. Since the Recreational Music Making (RMM) teaching philosophy first emerged decades ago, there has been a movement in the piano teaching community to provide a learning space to students who want to learn to play piano on their own terms. Despite RMM making advances at conferences and workshops around the country, teachers may still search for educational training to fully adopt and implement RMM teaching philosophies in their studios. 

This course aims to provide teachers a thorough understanding of the teaching philosophy within Recreational Music Making and how to promote this teaching mindset in their program. Participants will learn about business management, curriculum design, and best instructional practices within RMM studios around the country.

The course guides participants through 7 sessions, with an 8th session of additional articles and resources for potential learning extensions. Each session is broken down into a few topics, led by leaders in the field who share their expertise and research.

This is a fully online, self-guided course. It is to be completed at your own pace, with an approximate time of one to two learning hours per session. This is an asynchronous collection of materials, meaning that you will be working freely and independently throughout the course. 

Course completion time is approximately 10 hours.

  • Organized in 8 clearly-defined sessions
  • Designed to be completed at your own pace
  • Full course completion time is approximately 10 hours


  • Origins and philosophy
  • Business practices
  • Curriculum
  • Books, resources, and equipment
  • Expectations and scheduling
  • Lesson plans
  • Practice tools
  • Group dynamics
  • Studio tours
  • Teaching demonstrations
  • And much more!

Course Co-Leaders: Dr. Emily Book McGree, University of Denver; Dr. Rebecca Bellelo, Louisiana State University.

Senior Editor: Craig Sale.

Course Contributors include: Dorla Pryce Aparicio; Brian Chung; Brenda Dillon; Dr. Christopher Fisher, Ohio University; Amy Perdew; Debra Perez; Dr. Pamela D. Pike, Louisiana State University.

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