Piano Inspires Book Club
Archived recordings of the Spring 2025 Book Club on Recollections by Robert Weirich and the Fall 2024 Book Club on Inspired Piano Teaching by Marvin Blickenstaff. Each meeting covers one portion of the book, with guided conversation around the topic of the month.

Piano Inspires Book Club | Chapters 9-12: Celebrating Composers, Competitions, and Self-Reflection
with Robert Weirich and Karen Hsiao Savage, host

Piano Inspires Book Club | Chapters 5-8: Exploring Student-Teacher Relationships and Various Pedagogical Confessions
with Robert Weirich and Beth Sussman, host

Piano Inspires Book Club | Chapters 1-4: Finding a Career
with Robert Weirich and Sean Chen, host

Piano Inspires Book Club | Recapitulation and Coda: Interpretation and Stylistic Performance in Piano Pedagogy
with Marvin Blickenstaff and Sara Ernst, host

Piano Inspires Book Club | Development: Advancing Piano Pedagogy – Theory, Performance, and Technique
with Marvin Blickenstaff and Sara Ernst and Pete Jutras, hosts

Piano Inspires Book Club | Exposition: Practical Teaching Principles in Piano Pedagogy
with Marvin Blickenstaff and Sara Ernst, host

Piano Inspires Book Club | Introduction: Why We Teach – Foundational Principles in Piano Pedagogy
with Marvin Blickenstaff and Sara Ernst, host