General Pedagogy
Topics covered include mental and physical wellness, technique, repertoire, and more.

Intermediate Students: Technique and Practice Strategies
with Dr. Jane Magrath and Dr. Pamela Pike (10/12/2022)

Payments and Policies for the Independent Music Teacher
with Heather Smith and Beth Gigante Klingenstein (09/21/2022)

A Closer Look at Piano Literature for Teaching and Performance
with Jane Magrath and Marvin Blickenstaff (05/25/2022)

Discover PianoInspires.com – A digital walking tour of our new online gathering space!
with Shana Kirk and Anna Beth Rucker (05/26/2022)

The Physiology of Piano Teaching and Performing
with Lesley McAllister, Scott Donald, and Paula Wong (03/16/2022)

No Magic Needed: Principles and Applications for Creative Music Making
with Andy Villemez, Kate Acone, and Todd van Kekerix (01/26/2022)

Studio Policies for the 21st Century Music Teacher
with Heather Smith and Deborah How (10/20/2021)

The Kids are NOT All Right: Promoting Mental Health in the Music Lesson
with Laura Amoriello, Lesley McAllister, and Paola Savvidou (02/24/2021)