Discovery Blog

E-Posters: Why You Should Submit and Tips for Success

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question With gratitude we welcome one of our NCKP 2021: The Piano Conference Research E-Poster Award Winners, Robin S. Heinsen, to our Discovery Page. Heinsen is Assistant Professor of Music Education at Miami University, and provides helpful insights...

Discovery Blog

E-Posters: Why You Should Submit and Tips for Success

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question With gratitude we welcome one of our NCKP 2021: The Piano Conference Research E-Poster Award Winners, Robin S. Heinsen, to our Discovery Page. Heinsen is Assistant Professor of Music Education at Miami University, and provides helpful insights...

Discovery Blog

E-Posters: Why You Should Submit and Tips for Success

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question With gratitude we welcome one of our NCKP 2021: The Piano Conference Research E-Poster Award Winners, Robin S. Heinsen, to our Discovery page. Heinsen is Assistant Professor of Music Education at Miami University, and has provided helpful...

piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano