Discovery Blog

Piano Inspires Podcast: Olga Kern

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question To celebrate the latest episode of the Piano Inspires Podcast featuring Olga Kern, we are sharing an excerpted transcript of her conversation with Luis Sanchez. Want to learn more about Kern? Check out the latest installment of...

Discovery Blog

Piano Inspires Podcast: Susanna Garcia

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question To celebrate the latest episode of Piano Inspires Podcast featuring Susanna Garcia we are sharing an excerpted transcript of her conversation with Luis Sanchez. Want to learn more about Garcia? Check out the latest installment of the...


NCKP 2023: Committee Programming Previews

NCKP: The Piano Conference will be in-person at the Westin Chicago Lombard from Wednesday to Saturday, July 26–29, 2023, and online on Friday to Sunday, June 9–11, 2023. The conference has a compelling array of topics covering all aspects of piano teaching, learning, and performing....

Discovery Blog

Presenting at NCKP: My Experience and Why You Should Too

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We invite you to submit your e-poster proposals, teaching demonstration videos, and performance videos by 11:59pm PT on Monday, April 10, 2023.  My Experience at NCKP 2021 Summer 2021 found the world struggling to regain normalcy as...


Gabriela Montero: From Advocacy to Artistry

Spring 2022; Vol. 14, No. 1

An Interview with Luis Sanchez. This interview was conducted in Spanish and translated and condensed by the author for clarity.  Born in Venezuela, Gabriela Montero has performed with many of the world’s leading orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Dresden Philharmonic, Oslo...


NCKP 2021 Conference and Preconference Previews

Summer 2021; Vol. 13, No. 2

In our spring 2021 issue we previewed some of the daylong preconference sessions in which attendees of the virtual conference can participate in July. Below, we follow-up on two more exciting preconference days and highlight a new conference track featuring presentations in Spanish and Portuguese, with...

piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano