Discovery Blog

What to Expect at The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025

From the Creative Music Making, Independent Studio Teachers, and Young Musicians Committee Chairs Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question The committees of The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025 contribute to the program of the conference by curating topic-based tracks from the call for proposals....

Discovery Blog

Piano Inspires Podcast: Jeremy Siskind

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question To celebrate the latest episode of the Piano Inspires Podcast featuring Jeremy Siskind, we are sharing an excerpted transcript of his conversation with Andrea McAlister. Want to learn more about Siskind? Check out the latest installment of...


NCKP 2023: Committee Programming Previews

Spring 2023; Vol. 15, No. 1

NCKP: The Piano Conference will be in-person at the Westin Chicago Lombard from Wednesday to Saturday, July 26–29, 2023, and online on Friday to Sunday, June 9–11, 2023. The conference has a compelling array of topics covering all aspects of piano teaching, learning, and performing....


November 2018: New Music Reviews

November 2018; Vol. 10, No. 6

(S3-4) Big Phat Jazz Piano Solos: 10 Big Phat Band Classics, arranged by Gordon Goodwin. (S3-4) If you’re not familiar with the name “Gordon Goodwin,” you probably haven’t played in a high school jazz band in the last fifteen years or so. Goodwin’s music has achieved near ubiquity in the jazz education world because of his...


Bringing it Home

May 2018; Vol. 10, No. 3

For a pianist without high-level management, organizing a tour can feel like an impossible undertaking. There are many reasons why touring is harder than ever before: venues for classical and jazz music have been shuttering their doors all over the country, audiences are far from...


Summer 2020: Questions & Answers

Summer 2020; Vol. 12, No. 3

What is the difference between a fake book and a real book? Both fake books and real books are collections of lead sheets, that is, pieces presented simply as melodies and chord symbols. Some jazz musicians use these collections at gigs to have a wide...


NCKP 2019 Pedx9 Preview: Teaching Music in Lebanon Part II

Summer 2019; Vol. 11, No. 3

I’ve always been nervous in hospitals. When encountering suffering, I’m overly quick with jokes that distract from the looming uncertainties of the sick ward. So, when I was introduced to the Syrian refugee who would be my piano student at a jazz camp in Beirut,...


2019 NCKP Preconference Highlights

Summer 2019; Vol. 11, No. 3

NCKP has eleven subcommittees, comprised of leaders in each of the following subcommittee areas: collaborative performance, collegiate pedagogy teaching, creative music making, inclusive teaching, independent music teachers, music in early childhood, research, students and young professionals, teaching adults, technology, and wellness. Over seventy-five individuals serve...


Creating New Piano Music in the Digital Age

Winter 2021; Vol. 12, No. 5

Introduction By this point, you’ve probably heard a narrative that goes something like this: in the age of YouTube, Spotify, smart phones, and eBooks, the traditional gatekeepers no longer determine who can publish, who can be seen, and who can have a voice. Any artist, writer, or performer has the opportunity...


A finger in every pie

November 2011; Vol. 3, No. 6

For teachers brave enough to ask students to perform their first improvisations, the excuses are all too familiar: “I don’t know what notes to play”, “I don’t feel the rhythm”, “It’s too hard”, and–eventually–just plain “I can’t do it”.  There are many factors preventing students...

piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano