Discovery Blog

Piano Inspires Podcast: Barbara Fast

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question To celebrate the latest episode of the Piano Inspires Podcast featuring Barbara Fast, we are sharing an excerpted transcript of her conversation with Pamela Pike. Want to learn more about Fast? Check out the latest installment of...


Winter 2024: Q&A

Winter 2024; Vol. 15, No. 4

Q: My students, both younger and older, seem to be experiencing more stress in their lives. Do you have any suggestions for me, as a teacher? A: Everyone, including students and parents, is experiencing more stress in their lives, particularly since the pandemic. It’s helpful...

Discovery Blog

Engaging the Brain: Practice Tips from an Interview with Spencer Myer

Discovery homeSign up for email updatessubmit a question We would like to thank Barbara Fast and Spencer Myer for this insightful interview on practice. Want to learn more about practicing? Register for the free webinar, “#100daysofpractice: Selection and adaptation of self-regulated learning strategies in an...


Engaging the Brain: Practice Tips from an Interview with Spencer Myer

Summer 2020; Vol. 12, No. 3

I attended Spencer Myer’s practicing workshop at the NCKP 2019 Conference. His emphasis on engaging the brain in variable practice techniques sparked my interest and supports research on how we learn. I thought I knew every possible practice suggestion, but Spencer presented and demonstrated many new...


Change It Up!: Interleaved Practice–What It Is, Why It Works

Summer 2019; Vol. 11, No. 3

What is Interleaved Practice?  Repetition is the most time-honored method of learning anything new, be it basketball, math, or piano. Practice! And practice some more.  But how do we structure practicing? How musicians or math students organize their practice and study time is not frequently...

piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano