Innovating for the Future
In-Person Summit and Conference: July 23-26, 2025 | Online: June 7-8, 2025

The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025

Proposal Call

The Piano Conference: NCKP 2025 advances and supports the international field of piano teaching, learning, and performing. To innovate for the future, we seek programming that explores the challenges and opportunities of the present day and the future for practitioners and performers, arts leaders and advocates, professors and administrators, and new professionals and students.  

We call for proposals that have a vision to the future, engage our expanded community, and inspire innovation and progressive change. Proposals will be blind reviewed.

Topics can include, but are not limited to:
  • Advocacy
  • Business and entrepreneurship
  • Career development
  • Collaborative performance
  • Community engagement
  • Creative music making
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Early childhood education
  • Group piano
  • Higher education
  • Independent music teaching
  • Interdisciplinary subjects
  • Leadership
  • Neurodiversity in music learning
  • New professionals
  • Research
  • Social justice
  • Teaching adults
  • Technology
  • Wellness
  • Other

Session Formats and Lengths

Sessions are twenty-five or fifty minutes in length, with the exception of lightning talks, and sessions are programmed for the in-person gathering or for online presentation. The formats are:

  • Presentation
  • Panel Presentation
  • Interactive Workshop
  • Keyboard Lab
  • Lecture Recital
  • Lightning Talks (5 minutes)

Additional participation calls for poster presentations, performances, and teaching demonstration will be announced at a later stage.

Proposal Requirements

  • Presenter name(s) and primary contact email address. Note the proposal limitations in the Proposal Policies.
  • Exact title of proposed session as it would appear in the conference program. Note the requirements for blind-review in the Proposal Policies.
  • An abstract of session, not to exceed 350 words.
  • Description of session for the conference program, not to exceed 75 words.
  • Format of proposed session.
  • Preference for session length and modality.
  • Lecture recital proposals must include a recording (audio only) of a representative musical excerpt, from the program of the proposal. Submit one file with a maximum duration of eight minutes as an unrestricted viewing link from Dropbox or Google Drive. Name the files with a shortened version of the title and ensure the presenter name is not displayed. Click here for link instructions for Google Drive. Click here for link instructions for Dropbox.
  • Topic category of proposed session. Consider the category carefully, with the primary intention in mind, as this assists in the proposal selection process.
  • Short bio (35-50 words) of the presenter(s) as would appear in the program.
  • Digital photo(s) of the presenter(s) suitable for the program. Color headshot preferred; 300dpi. File named by presenter (Last First). Max file size of 6 MB.
  • Current resume or CV for each presenter. File named by presenter (Last First). Max file size of 6 MB.

The deadline to submit proposals is Monday, October 21, 2024, at 11:59PM PDT.

Proposal Policies

  • Proposal limitations: an individual may be the primary submitter on a maximum of two proposals, and an individual may participate in a maximum of four proposals.
  • Blind-review process: the proposal title, abstract, and description must be free from personal identifiers. Identifiers include presenter name(s), affiliation(s), exact location, and endorsements.
  • Prior to proposal submission, proposers must communicate with all co-presenters regarding their interest and availability.  
  • Proposers must submit their own work and may not submit proposals on behalf of their students or others. 
  • Presenters are asked to submit to The Piano Conference Proceedings in advance of the conference. Guidelines will be provided.
  • Sessions may be programmed for the in-person gathering and/or for online presentation, either live or prerecorded. Submitters may select a preference at the time of proposal submission.
  • Sessions that are commercial in nature are not eligible for review.
  • Only electronic submissions through the linked portal will be accepted.

Conference Procedures

  • All persons who submit proposals will be notified of final program decisions by January 31, 2025.
  • All persons whose work is selected are expected to register for and attend The Piano Conference.
  • The selection committee may request an alternative time length or format for selected proposals. 
  • Presenters are responsible for the standard equipment (i.e. personal device) required to prepare and deliver sessions. 
  • Presenting at The Piano Conference is a volunteer activity and The Piano Conference does not offer any compensation or reimbursement for expenses of any kind incurred in connection with presenting.
  • The conference schedule and format is subject to change without notice, including modifications to modality, duration, and timeframe, for reasons such as health and safety, and other reasons as deemed necessary. 
  • The Piano Conference gives equal consideration for proposals without regard to the presenter’s race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, military status, veteran status, or any other status or classification protected by federal, state, or local law.

Having trouble with our form? Contact [email protected] for assistance.

piano inspires logo, black with colored stripes in the tail of the piano